美術家ヒデミ・ニシダ と、写真家ピアカルロ・クエッキア の二人によるルポルタージュ展<BACK TO THE LAND – 芸術の労働者たち>を開催します。両氏は2018年〜2020年にかけ、モスクワの南西200km に存在する巨大な野外芸術公園<ニコラ・レニヴェツ>をそれぞれの視点で取材してきました。
本展覧会は、ニコラ・レニヴェツ芸術公園や周辺地域で生活する人々へのインタビュー、ポートレイトを通して、彼らの生き方やこの地域を読み解こうとする試みです。また、ニコラ・レニヴェツの中心人物 ニコライ・ポリスキーがその土地で最初に取り組んだ作品<スノーマン>へのオマージュを込めて、参加型インスタレーション<ゆきだるまの風景をつくる>を会期中、同会場にて開催し、芸術の労働価値について考えます。
We will hold a reportage exhibition <BACK TO THE LAND – the art labourers> by artist Hidemi Nishida and photographer Piercarlo Quecchia. From 2018 to 2020, both sides have researched the huge outdoor art park NIKOLA-LENIVETS located 200km southwest of Moscow from their respective perspectives.
The area where this art park develops was originally a Kolkhoz (collective farm) area consisting of several villages, but after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the kolkhoz in this area was gradually dismantled and most of the villages disappeared. One of the disappeared villages is the village called Nikola-Lenivets where today’s art park is based on. Nikola-Lenivets, like many former Kolkhoz villages, lost its industry, but since the early 2000s, artists who have moved here and former Kolkhoz workers who live around have started to create huge outdoor artworks. Its activities gradually grew, forming a huge art zone that can no longer be seen anywhere else, and developed into an important industry that supports the local economy as an independent art park.
Nishida and Quecchia noticed that this huge art park was independently run by the local artists and workers without any support from governments or mega-corporations. And tried to discover what kind of background and story it has. Then, they reached the existence of “The Art Labourers ” who used to work mostly in the Kolkhoz and now have a livelihood in the production of artworks and the management of the park. People who have experienced great changes of generation in this land are now living their lives standing on art. There is no need for higher art education nor the existence of gigantic patrons. Art exists here as a fun and rich way to survive. Now, that the limits of capitalism have been noticed, we feel that we can see a tip of the next society in the appearance of these workers on the land.
This exhibition is an attempt to understand their way of life and the land through interviews and portraits of people living around the NKOLA-LENIVETS. In addition, a participatory installation “Create the Snowman Landscape” will be held at the same venue during the exhibition period, with a homage to the project “Snowman” that Nikolay Polissky, the central figure of NIKOLA-LENIVETS, first worked on in the area, to through a question about the labor value of art.